Campaign Cartographer City Designer 3 Download !!HOT!! Free
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This is a map of the town of Eros in the 3rd edition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game. This map is based on the official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: 3.5 Edition rulebook and is designed to represent the town of Eros in the Forgotten Realms setting. The map was made using the CD3 program: CityDesigner 3 from Profantasy.
This is a map of the village of Ciprem in the 3rd edition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game. This map is based on the official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: 3.5 Edition rulebook and is designed to represent the village of Ciprem in the Forgotten Realms setting. The map was made using the CD3 program: CityDesigner 3 from Profantasy.
Shannon, Josh, Mark, and Mike will be setting up near the firepit. They will be setting up laptops to install components of the stack, so please bring your own laptop with you. If you have questions about installing software, please let us know in advance. Please consider registering for the workshops, but feel free to wander over and join the discussion if you have any questions or comments about this presentation.
The B2 poster is a follow-up to the B1 poster made by Roger Perlmutter for the City Map Mini-Con in the summer of 2012. The map is still available, here . The poster is a file created in Adobe Illustrator CS3, and printed on matte paper by Colfax Graphics in Brattleboro, Vermont.
The River Road in Wetterauk. The map is done in City Designer 3 from Profantasy combining the included styles A and B. The end result from CD3 has then been heavily modified in Photoshop, where also the labeling has been done and where the river has been changed.
Kobold Mines in Wetterauk, see This is a map of Kobold mines in Wetterauk. The map is done in City Designer 3 from Profantasy combining the included styles A and B. The end result from CD3 has then been very heavily modified in Photoshop, where also the labeling has been done and where various mountains and major toponyms have been created and modified.
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