English Original Audio Track Cars (2006) AC3 « Audio Tracks For Movies
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The tag:audio_source_name tag is used to determine the audio source. The available source names are described here . The second part of the name is the name of the audio source hardware device. This can be found using the dmesg command. For example:
The source code checks if a release has an.nfo file and, if so, uses the.nfo file to determine the audio source information. The only source tag it uses is the tag:audio_source_name tag. As described above the source tag can be prefixed with tag:MD for mic dubbed releases and tag:LD for line dubbed releases.
The release marks for releases that do not contain these tags are likely to be forged or modified versions of the original releases. Apart from that, the release mark can also be faked by the uploader.
There are also a number of FOSS (Free Open Source Software) audio related projects. One is Waza's Scenery which is a German-language project, similar to DVD Architect , which allows the user to import GDMF data. A browser based tool allows the user to convert an ISO to a VOB file. If the audio track of a cam release has been ripped off of a line out connection, it can be tagged as LD or MD .
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