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Ellen Pies is a SLP who helps people communicate using avatar therapy. She has a private practice in Seattle, WA, which teaches about a variety of different forms of avatar therapy, including voice, gesture, memory, symbol, pain, and body-based communication. She can be reached through her website.
Through the years, the Spears sisters have gone through a number of different groups and networks to try to find the answers to their daughter's condition. There is no evidence to suggest that Jamie Lynn’s unusual vocalizations are the result of a speech impairment. Just like with many infant vocalizations, Jamie Lynn’s uncoordinated vocalizations have been described as “babbling” or “babbling” and “concerted vocalizations.”
Early childhood specialists, child psychiatrists, and child study scientists report on the mildly impaired, bizarre speech of babies and toddlers that is sometimes likened to gibberish or babbling. (Chumbley, Champlin, Allen, Ladd-Taylor and Denbow, 2009; Ladd-Taylor and Denbow, 2006; Ladd-Taylor and Denbow, 2007). Among professionals, they are called “babblers” because they babble or babbble; among acquaintances, however, they are called “language terrorists”. d2c66b5586