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To determine whether some elements on the exterior were indeed picked out in a different color in the eighteenth century, several color measurements were taken from the first-generation paint in uncast samples from the weatherboards, windows, and elements of the porch. The paint on all the elements was found to be fairly close in color. Before light bleaching, none of the averages of the first-generation paint measurements in any of the samples was different by ΔE value of more than 6.00. After light bleaching, the greatest difference between the average measurements of any two first-generation paints was no greater than ΔE value of 4.23. (Generally, ΔE value of around 2 to 4 is considered acceptable in the color printing industry for standard color deviation.) This slight discrepancy in color seems more likely to be due to natural variation in hand-ground paint and aging conditions than to an intentional color difference. Thus, this examination of the first-generation paint on the exterior of the Finnie House suggests that the house was originally painted with a monochromatic scheme quite unlike the current multi-colored scheme. 153554b96e