Sigh No More Download Zip
What happens when the repository owner has not prepared a zip file, and you just want a download to use yourself? There is an answer and you don't need to go though that horrid process to download software, install and register keys and whatnot on GitHub, etc.!
If you wish to keep track of all changes that happen to your function app, you can enable continuous integration on your function app. Continuous integration is where you upload the zip file, let the deployment service analyze the zip file and push all of the updates to your function app. This will require you to upload the zip file to the deployment service (or you can run it in Azure). For more information, see Continuous integration in the App Service.NET Core documentation.
You can use the deployment service REST APIs to deploy file to your app in Azure. To deploy, send a POST request to The POST request must contain file in the message body. The deployment credentials for your app are provided in the request by using HTTP BASIC authentication. For more information, see push deployment reference.
Zip deployment can also be used in addition to the traditional deployment method for.NET Core apps. For example, if you wish to push a new version of a.NET Core app, you can simply use a zip file to store the code and the deployment service will deploy a new deployment package to your function app and restart it.
If you have a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, you have access to the entire Office 365 catalog of applications, including the Office Graph service. When you install a service, you can download the latest version of an Office 365 app or service, just like you could when you installed a version of Office you downloaded from the Microsoft Store.
$ aws opsworks --endpoint-url --aws-access-key XXXXXXXX --aws-secret-key XXXXXXXX --aws-session-token YYYYYYYYY --region us-east-1 --path /var/opt/aws/opsworks/files/log/log.0.txt --timeout 30
If you use the AWS CLI version of opsworks, pass the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables to the CLI. For more information, see Environment Variables in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
If you select a ZIP file that you downloaded directly from GitHub, make sure you have the correct permissions for it. GitHub uses the BitBucket repository permissions model, which means that you need to have CodeBuild Service Account IAM Role Policy permissions to download the ZIP file. For more information, see Service Account IAM Role Requirements in the CodeBuild User Guide. 827ec27edc